
TBAQ By-Laws
1.1. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held on the second weekend of March each year or at such time as the Board of Management may decide, but it must be conducted before the 31st March in any year.
1.2. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent by the Secretary (in an appropriate form) to all centre associations by the First of December each year. The notice shall also include nominations to the Board of Management, nominations to the Sub-Committees (where there is an indicated vacancy) and a request for Notices of Motion for the AGM. It is required that all nominations and Notices of Motion be returned to the Secretary before the end of February for collation and distribution to all centre associations, so they have at least four weeks notice, prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.
1.3. If insufficient nominations are received in writing prior to the advertised closing date for any one of the positions on the Board of Management or a sub-committee, then nominations shall be called for and any TBA Queensland member attending such Annual General Meeting may be nominated and seconded from the floor of the Meeting.
1.4. At any Annual General Meeting of this Association, any person being a TBA member in good standing may be permitted, with the approval of the Chairman, to attend such Meeting as an observer and such person shall not be permitted to speak at such Meeting without the permission of the Chairman and such person shall not be permitted to move, second or vote on any motion put before such Meeting.
1.5. The format for the Annual General Meeting shall be …
Saturday 10.00am – Annual General Meeting, followed by meetings of the Sub-Committees. The Sub-Committees may, with approval from the Board of Management, choose to conduct their meeting/s at another time and place.
1.6. The agenda for the Annual General Meeting shall be …
a. Roll call and apologies.
b. Reading of the minutes of the previous AGM and business arising from such Minutes.
c. Attending to any correspondence.
d. Report from the President.
e. Report from the Secretary.
f. Sub-committee reports.
g. To receive and accept the Treasurer’s Report.
h. To receive the Auditor’s Report.
i. To deal with legitimate notices of Motion duly received and advised.
j. To consider and approve or otherwise a Financial Budget for the coming year.
k. To elect a Board of Management.
l. To appoint an Auditor of the Association.
m. To deal with any legitimate general business that has been handed to the Chairman in writing during the Meeting.
2.1 Additional people may be appointed to assist the Board but they shall have no voting rights. These people need not be representative members of an association including, but not limited to a State Administrator, a State Manager of Sport Development and a State Public Relations Manager. Such appointments may be carried out by the Board or by resolution at a general meeting of the Association.
3.1 The Association shall have nine sub-committees …
- Adult Committee North
- Adult Committee South
- Junior Committee North
- Junior Committee South
- Disabilities Committee
- Seniors Committee North
- Seniors Committee South
- Youth Committee South
- Youth Committee North
3.2 The sub-committees shall report to and be represented on the Board by the Vice President of the Board.
3.3 Each sub-committee shall structure themselves and formulate their by-laws to fulfil the purposes of the sub-committee, so long as such structure and by-laws do not contradict or conflict with these By-Laws or the rules of the Association and each sub-committee’s by-laws shall become part of the By-Laws of the Association.
3.4 The sub-committee by-laws shall describe the process for events such as State Team selection (as required by TBA), organization plan and conduct of the State Championships and other activities that may be addressed to the sub-committee by the Board.
3.5 The sub-committee members must be TBA Queensland members and be nominated and elected at an Annual General Meeting. For the purposes of continuity and long term planning, sub-committee members may choose to maintain their position year to year with the Board having power of veto in the case of any dispute over a position.
3.6 The Board of Management may authorise any sub-committee to fund raise as they may decide, including the use of the Association’s Registration Number, for the purposes of supporting their respective State Teams, State Championships or Tournament conducted by this Association.
4.1 The Secretary shall be required to keep an up to date copy of the Association Rules and By-Laws and an up to date copy of the By-Laws of the Sub-Committees, these copies to be available at each Board meeting for reference as may be required.
4.2 The Secretary shall complete in a timely manner the necessary forms as required by the Board or as required by the provisions of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and the Associations Incorporation Regulation 1982.